Larchmont, Los Angeles


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Rupi Kaur x Toronto

On October 2nd, 2015 Toronto author, poet and performance artist Rupi Kaur held her Toronto book signing and launch of Milk & Honey, inaugurating it's recent worldwide publication with Simon & Schuster Canada. The event was held at Indigo's flagship store located at Bay & Bloor to a full house of big hearts and warm embraces. The evening commenced with a moving and enthralling reading from Kaur and quickly shifted into the evening's agenda; meeting the author! Part confessional part catharsis, readers met with a sincere Kaur who listened intently and moved by the narratives personalized every signed inscription. It was certainly one of the most touching, beautiful and moving events I have had the pleasure of not only witnessing but photographing as well. 

Milk & Honey is available for purchase online here.

kp kaur